陶瓷纖維紡織品功能 防火 | 耐熱度:800°C | 適用:進氣鋁管 最高使用溫度1260°C,安全使用溫度1000°C。 Maximum use Limit 1260°C,Secure use Limit 1000°C。 主要用途 / Main Application 覆蓋用隔熱材料 / Heat insulating materials for covering 工業窯爐隔熱 / Heat insulation in industrial furnaces 高溫管道及容器的隔熱 / High temperature pipes and vessels insulation 高溫電氣絕緣 / High temperature electrical insulation 防火門等用途 / Fireproof door 石棉紡織品及其他耐高溫材料的代用品 / Substitutes for asbestos textiles and other similar products with higher temperature 深冷容器隔熱保溫包裹層 Extreme low- temperature containers ....................... 玻璃纖維帶(披覆帶) Heat insulation wrap ................................................. GLASS FIBER TAPE ◆ 飛機及航天器保溫隔熱層 ............................................. 溫度700°C Aircraft heat insulation material ................................. 陶瓷纖維帶(披覆帶) 汽車用發動機隔熱罩 ....................................................... CERAMIC FIBER TAPE Vehicle engine heat insulating cover ......................... 溫度900°C 披覆帶用途:使用於進氣鋁管(改裝車),可使用引擎室及進氣之溫度降低。 規格:厚度 1.5、2、3、5、6mm 長度 15、30 M 寬度 25-100 mm 採用大幅抑制散熱的超隔熱材 ” 陶瓷纖維 ” ! 高溫耐久性能,隔熱性能、耐藥品性能極佳。 Adopt the hear insulation material ceramic fiber that restrains the cooling! It has good performance of high temperature-resistant, heat insulation and medicine-resistant. 連續使用達高溫1000°C! 達到玻璃棉、石棉所達不到的耐久及隔熱性能。 It can reach the high temperature 1000°C with the continuous use. It has the performance of heat insulation and enduring which glass wool and asbestos can’t reach. 採用易捲、強度也高的不鏽綱蕊材 織入不鏽綱絲,同時達到強度既高又易捲曲的要求。 在高溫下的拉力強度高,隔音性亦提升。 Adopt the stainless steel core material of curl and high intensity. When putting the stainless steel wire, it can meet the requirements of curly and high intensity. It can enhance the sound insulation with high intensity of pulling in the high temperature.
玻璃籤維 功能:防火 | 耐熱度:500°C | 適用:進氣鋁管 |
Testing items / 試驗項目 | Testing values / 試驗結果 | Mean coeffof noise absorbing. 平均吸音係數 | 0.89 ~ 0.96 | Air penetration / 透氣度 | 8.00(cm3 / cm2sec) | Mean tensile strength / 平均抗拉強度 | 2.64(lbs) | Heat resistance. / 耐熱度 | 700.00°C | Loss of ignition. / 燒失量 | 2.80(%) | Heat transfercoeff / 熱傳導係數 | 0.03(kcal / mh°C) | Density / 密度 | 0.43(g / cm3) | Tensile strength M.D 縱向 抗拉強度 C.D 橫向 | 1 . 001 . 40(kg) | 國立台灣工業技術學院營建料試驗室 委託試驗報告:012680 商品檢驗局通過防焰性(CNS 7614)委託試驗報告:9A30800520 Tested by the N.T.L.L.T.C(National Taiwan Industrial Institute Technology College)-Laboratory of construction materials. Test report no, 012680 |